Stay on Track with The Healthy Grail Health + Fitness Planner! #TheHealthyGrail

Stay on Track with The Healthy Grail Health + Fitness Planner!

Hey, Readers!

Working out and eating better have been two of the goals I set for myself to make myself into a better me last year. This is how I felt on the following days:

Day 1: Revved and ready for a challenging workout and super-duper careful about snacking on healthier foods.

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Yogurt cup with dried cranberries and glass of water

Day 16: Reluctantly got through a workout and devouring a chunk of leftover chocolate cake by the end of the night.

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Spoon full of chocolate cake

Can you relate? Do you ever have trouble staying on track when you are trying to get fit and eat healthier? Yes, there are days I let loose a bit and indulge, but then I have trouble figuring out how many calories I have consumed, or the types of workouts I have done over the past few days. I have been looking for a way to sort out all of these issues when I found out about to The Healthy Grail: Health + Fitness Planner! It launched on March 6, 2017, and I was excited to check it out!

The Healthy Grail Logo

The Healthy Grail logo; courtesy of

Randa Derkson, the creative mind behind The Bewitchin’ Kitchen, created this health and fitness planner because she was having the same issues, too. She found it difficult to keep track of her health goals because she was putting too much stock on her weight.

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Randa Derkson, Creator of The Bewitchin’ Kitchen and The Healthy Grail. Photo courtesy of

With The Healthy Grail, Randa wants users to focus more on attaining health goals than by worrying about the numbers on the scale. This planner has other functions as well. It also helps users with the following:

  • Write out their grocery lists
  • Plan out their meals
  • List goals to achieve
  • Follow your habits with a habit tracker.
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The Healthy Grail planner with a cup of granola, workout items, and a water bottle.

Here are some of the features I believe make The Healthy Grail a fabulous tool to use for health and fitness planning.

“About Me” Page

This is a great page because it is as though you are introducing yourself to, well, you! It lets users see where you are at the beginning of your goals. Measurements of various parts of the body and sections about positive self-image and goals being achieved are there for users to get a picture of who you are, while not focusing on the nit-picky aspects of yourself. It lets users feel that they are only improving on the person on the page before them.

“Goal Planner” Page

Users are able to make their goals more attainable by establishing what they want to accomplish. There are boxes to list goal and to detail the steps you will take to achieve them. This page keeps you accountable for your actions. Having these steps written out also allows them to be real and not a wish in your head.

“Daily Food Log” Page

Each day, users can plan out their meals, keep track of their caloric intake and see the other proteins, carbs, fats and other nutrients are being consumed.  I love this page because meals can be thought of ahead of time so the guess work is taken away from you. You are also able to see what you are putting into your body and to switch things up to make planning meals more fun! Randa also suggests laminating this page, as well as a few of the “Weekly Health Log” pages. This makes it easier for users to wipe and reuse these pages.

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Pages in The Healthy Grail – Top Left: “About Me”, Top Right: “Daily Workout Log”; Bottom: “Daily Food Log.”

The Healthy Grail is designed for all types of lifestyles. I can use this planner to continue my health and fitness goals. I would also have my eldest use this planner for herself as she plays basketball for a club team and she needs to weight train and eat in order to become stronger and perform better on the court.

I am a huge fan of The Healthy Grail!  Getting started with this planner makes me feel as though I am embarking on a journey where I am in control of the destination. I also love that users have the option of using it digitally or printing and binding it to have a hard copy at hand. This planner also focuses on becoming a better you by seeing your achievements and keeping you accountable for keeping up with your goals.

So what are you waiting for? Check out The Healthy Grail for yourself and start achieving your health and fitness goals today!

The Healthy Grail Button

Want to learn more about Randa Derkson? You can find her at The Bewitchin’ Kitchen as well as at her Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages!

Dish with me: How would The Healthy Grail come in handy to help you achieve your health and fitness goals?

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of The Healthy Grail in order to write this post. The views I shared are my own.

Until my next post, Readers!
